How to better handle our patients through the veterinary journey
(inkl. USt.)
A guide to help animals and the veterinary team best cope with the "journey" through the veterinary hospital post trauma and injury - from accident, admission through to recovery.
Sponsored by Stress Free Pets
Recording from 21 March 2023

Dr Isabelle Resch, BVSc, MVS, MANZCVS (Small Animal Medicine, Vet Behaviour)
Isabelle graduated from the University of Sydney and has worked in small animal practice since then. She completed a Master of Veterinary Studies and Membership in Small Animal Medicine in 2001. Isabelle passed her Membership examinations in Veterinary Behaviour in 2016 and is currently undertaking a residency in Behavioural Medicine with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and the American College of Veterinary Behaviour, on the pathway to becoming a Veterinary Behavioural Medicine specialist.
Isabelle is a tutor for the Distance Education programme in Veterinary Behaviour, University of Sydney, a consultant for the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) in Behaviour and has been an examiner for the Australia New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. She is the current President of AVBM (Australian Veterinary Behavioural Medicine), a special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA).
She attends several national and international behaviour conferences every year and is passionate about providing ongoing education to help to continue growing and developing the field of veterinary behaviour. She currently works at Canberra Animal Behaviour Solutions at the Animal Referral Hospital in Canberra.