Feline Nutrition, A Clinicians Perspective
(Con impuestos)
What should we feed cats? Raw meaty bones vs commercial “complete and balanced” diets? Commercial cat food has resulted in decreased in hypervitaminosis A, thiamine deficiency and secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism. But should this be used as evidence that alternative diets based on ancestral diets should not be used when none of these cited conditions would occur with an ancestral diet? In addition, it is easy to assess improvement in known straightforward dietary-related conditions but far more difficult to detect increased or decreased incidence of medical diseases where the contribution of diet is more subtle. Any improvement in medical diseases due to commercial diets needs to be balanced against the emergence of potential adverse conditions but this data is rarely present. We hear from nutritionists but not clinicians. This unique lecture is given from a feline medicine specialist’s perspective.
Recording from 28 October 2020

Dr Sue Foster, BVSc, MVetClinStud, FANZCVS (Feline Medicine)
Sue is Fellow of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists and a registered specialist in feline medicine. She is an Adjunct Associate Professor in Small Animal Medicine at Murdoch University (Western Australia) and a medical consultant for Vetnostics (Sydney) and ASAP Laboratory (Melbourne). Sue has worked pro bono for over 8 years with clients, veterinarians, the Australian Veterinary Association and the petfood industry on the significant small animal welfare issue of petfood toxicities in Australia, especially toxicity resulting in acquired proximal renal tubulopathy in dogs. She is also a co-founder of Vets Against Live Export (VALE) and current spokesperson for VALE.