Feeding the Critically Ill Patient – What can we do and how can we do it better?
(incl. TVA)
As nutritional support is now considered an integral part of managing critically ill patients, this presentation will focus of assessing patient’s needs for nutritional support and strategies for introducing feeding in hospitalised small animals.
Whilst there is convincing evidence of the deleterious effects of malnutrition in people the optimal nutritional strategies for critically ill and post-operative animals remain controversial and largely are unknown. Because malnutrition imparts similar metabolic effects in animals, it is assumed that nutritional support is equally essential for the recovery of critically ill dogs and cats. Although definitive answers regarding the impact of nutritional support on outcome in critically animals is lacking, there are now some encouraging results that suggest that outcome in hospitalized animals can be enhanced with nutritional support. From these emerging advancements in veterinary nutrition and our current understanding of metabolic response to injury we are beginning to formulate recommendations for the nutritional management of critically ill patients that could have a positive effect on the recovery of ill veterinary patients. This presentation will emphasize the strategies for initiating and managing nutritional support in critically ill patients.
Language: English
In case you have missed this webinar, you have the opportunity to watch a recorded version here.

Dan received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine qualification from the School of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University in 1998. He then completed a small animal internship at Animal Medical Center in New York City. This was followed by a dual residency in Emergency and Critical Care and Clinical Nutrition at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, after which he served as a Research Assistant Professor for two years. Dan was board certified by the American and European Colleges of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care in 2004, and by the American College of Veterinary Nutrition in 2005. He joined the faculty at the Royal Veterinary College in London in 2005 and is now Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. Since 2010, Dan has also been the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care.