
hyperthroid cat.jpg

The Hyperthyroid Cat

Durée: 0:59 h
Intervenant(e): Lara Boland
à partir de 1 US$ 49,40
(incl. TVA)

Originally recognised approximately 40 years ago, hyperthyroidism is the most common feline endocrinopathy. How has our understanding of this common disease of cats and it’s management changed since then? This webinar will revisit the diagnostic approach, management options, complications and currently recommended monitoring for these patients. Which medical treatment option is best and why? How often does iatrogenic hypothyroidism occur and how can we diagnose and treat this in cats? What are the renal implications of thyroid disease in cats and how can we best assess and monitor this in these patients? Update and refresh your knowledge of this common feline disease.

Recording from 24 September 2020

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Lara Boland

Dr. Lara Boland BVSc, DipECVIM-CA, FANZCVS (feline medicine)

Specialist in Feline and Small Animal Medicine 
Lara graduated from the University of Sydney in 2004 and initially worked in feline and general small animal practice in Brisbane and Canberra. She completed her specialist training at the University of Bristol and has been working at the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Sydney since 2013, currently as a Senior Lecturer. Lara is both an Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists specialist in feline medicine and a European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine specialist in small animal medicine. Her research interests include endocrine, hepatobiliary, gastrointestinal and infectious diseases of cats. 

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