Emergency Techniques - Lets get prepared
(incl. TVA)
In this webinar indications, required material and different techniques for emergency procedures are presented using picture and movie material. The goal is to get you prepared and ready for your next emergency patient that needs a live-saving procedure.
We will cover thoracocentesis, tracheotomy, small bore chest tube placement and urethral catheterization.
This program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval.
The accreditation of CE Points is approved under the condition of a positive completion of the test in the specified period and is valid until 19 Auguest 2026.
Recording from 9 April 2024

PD Dr.med.vet. Nadja Sigrist, Small animal specialist FVH, DACVECC, DECVECC, EBVS specialist in veterinary emergency and critical care.
After graduating from the veterinary school of the university of Bern in 1996, Nadja completed a doctoral thesis and trained as a specialist for small animals (FVH) before completing a residency in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. She is an ACVECC Diplomate since 2004 and ECVECC founding Diplomate since 2014.
From 2005-2010 she was senior clinician in ECC medicine and helped developed the emergency and ICU service at the Small Animal Hospital of the Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern and from 2013-2020 she was senior clinician and the head of the Small Animal Intensive Care Unit at the Small Animal Hospital of the Vetsuisse Faculty of Zürich.
In 2021, Nadja left the university setting to concentrate on her own company VET ECC CE (Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Consulting & Education).