

Ticks and Toads: Treating the Sickest

Durée: 0:59 h
Intervenant(e): Rob Webster
à partir de 1 US$ 49,40
(incl. TVA)

Tick and toad patients are the bread and butter of emergency practice in South-East QLD. They can seem routine because most do well with treatment straight from a clinical protocol. The worst 5% are the opposite. These patients epitomise the term ‘critical’. They present multiple challenges to the emergency vet, and treatment needs to be individually tailored. In this webinar I’ll talk about some of my sickest patients, how we managed them, where I think we could have done better, and what I’m planning next time. Absolutely critical toad patients make up about 1% of the presentations, and in tick paralysis it’s about 10%. There’s just not enough cases for clinical studies to be valuable, so collaboration is the first step in improving current standards of treatment. I hope this webinar is valuable for all of us.

Language: English

In case you have missed this webinar, you have the opportunity to watch a recorded version here.

Rob Webster

Rob Webster BVSc (hons) FANZCVS (emergency medicine and critical care)

Rob Webster graduated from The University of Queensland in 2000. He went straight into emergency practice at the Animal Emergency Centre in Brisbane and never left! Rob embarked on a training program in emergency medicine and critical care under the guidance of Prof Steve Haskins in 2006. As well as studying towards his Australian certification, Rob started the Animal Emergency Service in 2005. Rob passed the fellowship examinations and registered as a veterinary specialist in 2014. Animal Emergency Service currently has 5 practices on The Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, and Perth. Robs clinical interests are mechanical ventilation and critical care of patients with tick paralysis (Ixodes holocyclus).

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