Starting from scratch - an approach to canine pruritus
(incl. TVA)
Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD) is a complex disease that presents with the hallmark sign of pruritus. Diagnosis and management of atopic dermatitis can be challenging and often frustrating. Dani Hoolahan will share with you her approach to CAD from diagnosis to management.
The webinar will cover the following:
1. Introduction to the AVDAP Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Pruritus in Dogs.
2. Improving dermatology work-up using the AVDAP Guidelines.
3. Multi-modal management of atopic dermatitis in dogs.
Recording from 28.06.2018
Dr Danielle Hoolahan BVSc BVMS DACVD Dermatology
Dani graduated from Murdoch University in 2007 with honors. She worked in busy small animal general practices both in Sydney, Australia and Portland, Oregon before completing a dermatology internship in Perth, Western Australia and then moving to the University of California, Davis to join the dermatology service at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital as a resident. Dani finished her residency in 2013 and became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology the same year. Upon completion of her residency, Dani continued to work as a clinical dermatologist at UC Davis, providing instruction to undergraduate students and consulting on referral cases. Dani is the Director of the Veterinary Dermatology Clinic and consults along the East Coast of Australia, Dani is also the Chief Veterinary Officer at PetSure.