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Pre-operative and intra-operative surgical considerations for haemabdomen

Durée: 0:45 h
Intervenant(e): Carla Appelgrein
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Haemabdomen - What to consider before embarking upon surgery 
A haemabdomen is commonly identified in emergency practice. This presentation is often accompanied by standard owner communication where the assumption is that the bleeding is originating from a splenic mass that is presumed to be a haemangiosarcoma. The limitations of emergency practice often means decisions are made on limited diagnostic investigation and one option offered is an immediate splenectomy. But what is the potential drawbacks to performing an exploratory coeliotomy with limited information? What if the bleeding is originating from another abdominal organ? What if there is gross evidence of spread of disease? This presentation will focus on our approach to these cases and will focus on how to communicate this situation to owners and how to best prognosticate these cases. We will also discuss the surgical technique advised and additional surgical considerations. 

Recording from 14 December 2021

Carla Appelgrein

Dr Carla Appelgrein BVSc, MANZCVS, GradDipEd, MVetClinStud, MVetSurg, DipECVS

Carla graduated from the University of Pretoria (South Africa) in 2010 and worked in small animal practice for several years in Port Lincoln Australia. She attained Membership of the Australian & New Zealand College in Small Animal Surgery by examination in 2014. In 2015, Carla completed a 12-month surgical teaching and research program at Murdoch University and in 2016 she commenced a 3-year specialist residency training program in Small Animal Surgery as well as Clinical and Research Masters degrees which she completed in 2018. In 2020, she became a Diplomat of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons by examination and is a registered specialist in Small Animal Surgery.

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