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Imaging in Abdominal Emergencies

Durée: 1:20 h
Intervenant(e): Kerry Doolin
à partir de 1 US$ 49,40
(incl. TVA)

Abdominal emergencies present with various clinical signs from pain to collapse or vomiting. Targeted use of abdominal imaging allows the clinician to make a timely diagnosis to initiate early therapy - as well as spend your owners money sensibly. This lecture will cover radiography, point of care ultrasound and the indications for computed tomography. By the end of the session, you will be able to reason the indications for various imaging modalities, learn a structured way to gain images and interpret these images. All this will be through a case-based approach.

Recording from 6 October 2022

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Kerry Doolin

Dr Kerry Doolin BSc BVSc MVetMed DACVECC MRCVS American Recognised Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care

Kerry has been an emergency vet for 15 years. After graduating from the University of Sydney in 2005 she worked for the first year in a small animal general practice in Sydney, Australia. The following six years she worked as an out of hours vet at a busy small animal referral hospital in Sydney. Kerry furthered her training via a speciality emergency and critical care internship at the University of California in Davis then a three year residency in emergency and critical care at the royal veterinary college in London. Following her training she worked in the United Kingdom at a large referral hospital in both Manchester and Glasgow hospitals. In 2019 she passed her specialty exams to become a diplomat of the American College of Emergency and Critical Care. For the last year she has been living in Sydney as Head of ECC at North Shore Veterinary Specialist and Emergency Centre, where she started her emergency career 15 years ago. 

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