Do you really know what dogs need?
(incl. TVA)
Dogs have shared their lives with us for many thousands of years, so we know what dogs need… or do we?
This webinar will discuss more than just the basic needs of dogs such as food, water and shelter but also why we should look at the individual dog, their personality and emotions at different stages in their development. This way you can help your clients better understand what their individual dog needs not just what all dogs need.
This webinar is sponsored by Stress Free Pets
Recording from 29 November 2023

Dr Kersti Seksel BVSc (Hons) MRCVS MA (Hons) FACVSc DACVB DECAWBM
Kersti graduated in Veterinary Science from Sydney University. She has a BA in Behavioural Sciences with a major in psychology as well as a Master of Arts (Hons). She is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Animal Behaviour, a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and a Diplomate of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine.
Kersti is the principal of a specialist practice in behavioural medicine in Sydney, Australia. She teaches the distance education course in Behavioural Medicine for Centre for Veterinary Education (University of Sydney) and is an adjunct associate professor at Charles Sturt University. She has presented at numerous conferences nationally and internationally and has written many text book chapters, written a book, Training Your Cat, is a regular presenter on ABC radio and is a consultant on VIN (Veterinary Information Network).