

Making the most of dental nurse clinics (for nurses)

Duracion: 0:48 h
Altavoz: Lisa Milella
desde 1 US$ 49,40
(Con impuestos)

Many pets seen in every day veterinary practice have dental disease requiring treatment. Most owners are unaware that their pet has a problem, so often dental problems go undiagnosed. The role of the veterinary nurse is vital in educating clients to recognize disease but also help institute and maintain oral hygiene programs. Early intervention is the key to a pain free and infection free mouth. The owner must understand that homecare is the most essential component on both preventing and treating periodontal disease. It also gives the owner an opportunity to check their pets’ teeth daily to ensure that pathology such as fractured teeth do not go un-noticed. The responsibility of maintaining oral hygiene i.e. keeping plaque accumulation to a level compatible with periodontal health rests with the owner of the pet. Home care compliance is often lost through poor follow up by the veterinary practice. This is where the veterinary nurse can play an important role by encouraging recheck visits, ongoing support and encourage, and guidance on how and what to do. All nurse clinics give you the opportunity to examine the mouth and check the teeth, but it is also important to set up structured dental nurse clinics.

Recording from 26.07.2017

Lisa Milella

Lisa Milella BVSc European Veterinary Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry

Lisa graduated from the University of Pretoria, South Africa in 1997 and worked in the UK since. She soon developed an interest in dentistry and pursued this to specialist level. She is a diplomate of the European Veterinary Dental College. Lisa was the principal of a dedicated dental and oral surgery referral practice in Surrey before being diagnosed with motor neurone disease. She was involved with undergraduate and post graduate dentistry training and has published and presented papers both in the UK and internationally. Lisa was also actively involved with International Animal Rescue and is still a trustee of the charity. She has travelled abroad to perform dental treatment at various projects and has over the past years spent time training others to continue this work.

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