Endoscopy of the airways in dogs and cats
(Con impuestos)
During this presentation you will learn how much information you can get from an endoscopy of the airways, the type of samples that can be collected and the treatments that can be done under endoscopic guidance such as airway stenting. Using endoscopic images, you will travel from the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx to the trachea and down into the bronchi. Images of normal airways and varied pathological states will be shown. The benefits as well as potential complications of the most common procedures will be presented as we explore step-by-step the respiratory tract. Finally we will touch on what tests and treatment trials can be done before referring and discuss when it is time to refer. Any question on this interesting topic will be welcome.
Recording from 24 January 2019

Dr Erika Meler, DVM, IPSAV, CEAV, MSc, MVSc, Dipl ACVIM (SAIM), Dipl ECVIM-CA
Dr. Erika Meler is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland and Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Erika has worked overseas as well as in the academic and private setting both as a GP and as a specialist so she knows what it is like in the ‘outside world’! Erika has trained in her career many students, interns, veterinary nurses and mentored younger colleagues and residents. She has given continuing education conferences and written various articles summaries for general practitioners.
Erika's current academic activities encompass clinical teaching and management of referral cases in the department of small animal internal medicine at the University of Queensland Veterinary Medical Centre, classroom teaching for veterinary students in their 3d, 4th and 5th years as well as research work and grant writing. Erika’s research areas of interest are minimally-invasive techniques, infectious diseases such as MRSA, and respiratory diseases. She is also very much into the use of new technologies that can help her patients but also into innovative methods of teaching veterinary students and professionals.