Tumor grading and prognosis in veterinary practice
(Con impuestos)
Tumors are quite frequent in companion animals, with malignant forms representing 56% of all the tumors in dogs and 80% in cats. Predicting the survival time and treatment response for malignant tumors is necessary to evaluate the best care options for the animal. Histological tumor grading helps veterinarians to define the prognosis, but each tumor has its own grading system with different prognosis, in terms of survival rate, metastatic rate, recurrence incidence. It could be not so easy to get your bearings in the pathologic words of gradings.
The goal of this seminar is to be able to correlate the validated prognosis to each tumor grading we will see. We will rapidly review what tumor grading is and how it is evaluated. Then we will spend some time to review some of the most important tumor gradings (mammary tumors, mast cell tumors, melanomas, soft tissue sarcomas) and the correlated and validated prognostic factors. At the end of the seminar you will be able to clearly understand your pathologist’s report based on the grading system, and to use it to give an appropriate prognosis to the owners.
Recording from 09.07.2019

Sara Belluco DVM, PhD, ECVP, DESV dipl
I am a veterinary pathologist working at the veterinary school of Lyon. I graduated in 2002 from the veterinary school of Milan (Italy) and I gained a PhD in pathology of laboratory animals in 2005. After completing a residency program at the veterinary school of Nantes (France), in 2009 I obtained the ECVP diploma. Since 2009, I have been working as assistant professor in pathology at the veterinary school of Lyon (France). Here I am in charge of undergraduate teaching (inflammation, nervous and genital system pathology, necropsies), I am supervisor of residents in pathology and I participate in pathology formation of residents in oncology and internal medicine. I perform histological analysis on samples coming from our teaching hospital, especially tumors, since our oncology service is the only one present in this region. Since the beginning of my career my main field of interest is comparative oncology. I worked on several spontaneous and induced animal models. At the moment, I coordinate an European program to evaluate the canine nervous system tumor classification and grading and I work on several canine spontaneous tumors to study the immune microenvironment and its impact on therapy and prognosis.