Canine and feline lymphoma - diagnosis and treatment
(Con impuestos)
Canine and feline lymphoma is a relatively common disease but there are some areas where potential complications arise. This webinar will concentrate on the diagnostic tests that can be utilised for this disease and the common treatments, with an emphasis on how the diagnostic tests can influence the treatment and prognosis. In dogs, diagnosis is usually relatively straightforward, but it can be more of a challenge in cats due to the differences in clinical presentation. The standard initial treatment options are well described, but how they need to be modified dependent on concurrent illnesses, diagnostic test findings and owner constraints can be more complicated. My approach to these issues will be described including how they might impact the patient outcome, as well as alternatives. The monitoring of the patients and an overview of the management of complications of the disease and treatment is to be covered. The webinar will conclude with rescue options. Lymphoma can be a rewarding disease to treat, but can be very challenging at times.
Recording from 22.03.2018

Dr Peter Bennett BVSc FANZCVS (Canine Medicine) DACVIM (Oncology, Small Animal Internal Medicine)
Dr Bennett is a graduate of the University of Melbourne. After time in general practice he completed residency training in small animal medicine in 1999 and then joined the faculty of Purdue University in Indiana where he was trained in oncology. He is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (Canine Medicine) and a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Oncology, Small Animal Internal Medicine). Peter is a member of a consensus statement committee for the American College on Veterinary Internal Medicine on the topic of Chemotherapy Safety.