Schmerztherapie beim Hund: der onkologische Patient
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Die Entstehung und Erkennung von Tumor Schmerzen wird dargestellt. Die Wirkungsprinzipien unterschiedlicher Analgetika wird erklärt und die Grundsätze der Schmerztherapie beim Tumorpatienten mit Beispielen vertieft.
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Anerkannt nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft der Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte.
Dr. Isabelle Iff, Dip.ECVAA, CertVetAc(IVAS)
Isabelle received her veterinary diploma from the Vetsuisse Faculty at the University of Bern and completed a rotating internship at the Animal Hospital Bern. She was particularly interested in anaesthesia, pain therapy and intensive care medicine. She then began her residency at the Department of Anaesthesiology at the Animal Hospital Bern. She received her doctorate with a dissertation on the subject about epidural anaesthesia in dogs. She moved to Vienna, completed her residency and has been a diplomat at the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia since 2006. She deepened her interest in pain therapy with an education in animal acupuncture. Between 2007 and 2010 she worked as a Senior Clinical Anaesthetist at the Animal Hospital of the University of Liverpool (UK). She established the Pain Clinic for Small Animals at the Animal Hospital and completed additional training in acupuncture. She then worked as a representative in England and Canada and from 2011 to 2016 she worked for Veterinary Anaesthesia Services in Winterthur, where she started a pain consultation in collaboration with the Zurich Animal Hospital. She has trained in osteopathy and since 2017 Isabelle has been working part-time at the University of Bern in anaesthesiology and founded her own company vet doc iff gmbh (, where she offers pain therapy and complementary medicine for small animals.