
  • Webinars
  • How to Conduct a Debrief Session and How to Look After Staff After Unexpected or Traumatic Outcomes 
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How to Conduct a Debrief Session and How to Look After Staff After Unexpected or Traumatic Outcomes 

Duration: 0:49 h
Speaker: David Foote
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

The webinar will examine the key principles and strategies for running a staff debriefing including:
- Goals of debriefing
- Structure of a debriefing meeting
- Guidelines for participation
- How to help severely traumatised staff

Recording from 24 February 2022


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David Foote

Dr David Foote, BVSc BMus MHFA Cert Couns Cert

David Foote is a veterinarian, counsellor and educator with a special interest in psychological wellbeing and resilience in veterinary staff. Having graduated in 1980 from the University of Queensland, he worked as a veterinarian for 20 years before retraining as a counsellor. He has now been a counsellor to the veterinary profession for 20 years offering help, support and guidance to vets, nurses, management and owners for the full range of professional and personal issues.
He lectured on various aspects of wellbeing and resilience for veterinarians at the University of Sydney for 10 years from 2002 to 2012.

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