Clinical avian anatomy
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Webinar covering the basics of avian anatomy, and how they relate to clinical medicine for the general practitioner. We will go over external anatomy and internal anatomy, and how they relate to what you may be commonly presented with in practice, as well as how to handle those questions.
In case you have missed this webinar, you have the opportunity to watch a recorded version here.

Andrew Cushing BVSc CertAVP(ZM) MRCVS, Dipl. ACZM
Dr. Cushing graduated with his DVM equivalent degree from Liverpool University, England, in 2007. During veterinary school, he participated in research projects in Kruger National Park, South Africa, in free ranging buffalo and lions. After graduation, he worked in mixed practice in Yorkshire before moving to Oregon, USA, and working as a veterinarian at Wildlife Safari, a large safari park. He then worked in a practice that split time between exotic referrals and a large wildlife rehabilitation center in the UK, before commencing a residency in zoological medicine at Cornell University. During that time, he completed the certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice for zoological medicine and started a research project into West Nile virus infection in Humboldt penguins after being awarded a grant from the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. Dr. Cushing then obtained a job as clinical veterinarian at Marwell Wildlife, a primarily hoofstock zoo, in the UK where he worked for 8 months before being offered a job at the University of Tennessee as a clinical instructor in zoological medicine, which was too good an opportunity to turn down! He has completed and published various research projects, primarily in zoological species and often involving anesthesia protocols.