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Advanced Mechanical Ventilation

Duration: 1:06 h
Speaker: Manuela Pascal
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

The goal of controlled mechanical ventilation is to optimise the alveolar ventilation (by generating adequate flow and volume) while minimising the work of breathing. As a standard of care, it is vital to monitor regularly the function of the ventilator system (including settings) and the clinical status of the patient. Continuous monitoring of gas exchange, ventilator drive and breathing pattern allows adjustment of ventilator settings in order to optimise the outcome of the patient. Mechanically ventilated patients require intensive nursing support. Ideally, clear end points of the therapy should be established and reassessed continuously depending on the patient’s evolution.

Weaning of the ventilator refers to the entire process of liberating the patient from the mechanical support and from the endotracheal tube. It is estimated that 40% of the duration of mechanical ventilation is dedicated to this critical step.

This webinar will try and cover the current employed strategies and predictors for an optimised outcome of the mechanically ventilated patients based on the current evidence from human and veterinary medicine.

Recording from 1 October 2020

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Manuela Pascal

Manuela Pascal, DVM, MRCVS, PhD, MsC

I have graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (Romania) in 2003. After spending several years in private practice in Bucharest and obtaining my master degree, I have worked towards my PhD diploma in the same university. I continued as a lecturer in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest until 2015 when I moved to the United Kingdom. Besides anaesthesia, I participated in the development of the ICU unit and in the teaching of the new graduates. I went on to complete a three-year residency in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia at the Animal Health Trust, Newmarket and worked as a clinician in anaesthesia at the same hospital for another 2 years. In June 2020 I joined the team at Southfields Veterinary Referrals.
I enjoy all aspects of anaesthesia, but I have a particular interest for the critically ill patients, sepsis and opioid free anaesthesia.
Out of work I enjoy spending time with my family, reading and traveling.

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