

Why I love seeing ear infections - crucial tips on diagnostics and treatment

Duration: 1:13 h
Speaker: Linda Vogelnest
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

Utilising case studies, this webinar will focus on essential diagnostic and treatment tips that turn around many chronic otitis cases quickly. Optimal use of diagnostic tests will be discussed, including techniques and indications for otoscopic exam, cytology, and culture and sensitivity testing, and their relative importance for guiding selection of effective treatment plans. Appropriate selection of medications from the myriad of commercial and compounded choices will be discussed at length. Simplifying treatment plans for owners and maximising patient comfort with simple application techniques will improve compliance, which is always important to treatment outcomes; and strategies for improving acceptance of aural treatments will be discussed. 
After this webinar you may start to look forward to otitis cases, as following a few key basic principles makes successful outcomes so much easier to attain.

Recording from 21 July 2021

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Linda Vogelnest


Linda graduated from the University of Sydney in Australia in 1984 and became a Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology after over 10 years working in general practice, following an initial desire to understand skin disease better and provide improved patient outcomes. She achieved Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in Veterinary Dermatology in 2003 and has worked in both university clinical practice and private referral practice since then. Linda continues to teach dermatology skills to veterinary students, regularly participates in post-graduate dermatology education, and is passionate about promoting a greater understanding of dermatology. Linda’s special interests include atopic dermatitis, otitis, and maximising value of skin sampling techniques, including skin surface and ear cytology.

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