Trust is good, control is better - How to manage your heart patient - Ukraine Charity
(incl. tax)
This webinar will be hosted by Dr. Ingrid Ljungvall, Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences and Dr. Jens Häggstrom, Professor of Internal Medicine at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
The focus of this webinar will be on practical cardiology with the monitoring and treatment options of cardiac disease in dogs and cats.
Language: English
Recording from 22 March 2023
This program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval.
Dieses Webinar wird von Dr. Ingrid Ljungvall, Associate Professor am Department of Clinical Sciences und Dr. Jens Häggstrom, Professor of Internal Medicine an der Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, moderiert.
Der Schwerpunkt dieses Webinars liegt auf der praktischen Kardiologie mit den Überwachungs- und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von Herzerkrankungen bei Hunden und Katzen.
Sprache: Englisch
Aufnahme vom 22.03.2023
The Ukraine Charity Event is organized by Boehringer Ingelheim and vet-webinar (amongst others) for the benefit of our colleagues in Ukraine. All participants are carrying out their work on a voluntary basis. The project runs from 1 December 2022 until 31 July 2023 and all proceeds during this period will be donated to USAVA. The webinars in this series are also subject to a fee for flat-rate customers. If you do not want to donate as a flat rate customer and you insist on free access, please contact
Dr Ingrid Ljungvall, DVM, Dipl.ECVIM-CA
Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
Associate Professor Ingrid Ljungvall, DVM, PhD, DECVIM (Cardiology), underwent her basic veterinary training at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden. She is currently working at the Department of Clinical Sciences at the same University. Ingrid Ljungvall’s main area of research concerns acquired heart disease in dogs and cats. She is interested in optimizing diagnostic methods of heart disease, identifying genetic risk factors for heart disease as well as of prognostication and therapeutic management of patients affected by heart disease. She is an author of a comparably large number of original papers in international peer-viewed journals, congress abstracts and textbook chapters.
Dr Jens Häggstrom, DVM, Dipl.ECVIM-CA
Professor of Internal Medicine - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
Jens Häggström completed his basic veterinary training 1990. He earned his Doctorate degree in 1996 became an Associate Professor in Internal Medicine, in Uppsala the year 2000, 2003 Promoted Professor, 2012 Professor (Chair) in the same subject, and in 2014 Section Head for Small Animal Medicine and Surgery. Jens Häggström is a Diplomate of ECVIM-CA since 1998. He is author and co-author of a large number of original papers in internationally distributed peer-viewed Journals, Congress abstracts and Textbook chapters. Jens Häggström is Lead Investigator of the SVEP, QUEST and the EPIC trials, all investigating the effect of different drugs in Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease in dogs. He a panelist for the 2009 and 2019 ACVIM Consensus statements concerning Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease in dogs and for the 2020 ACVIM Consensus statement concerning Feline Cardiomyopathy.