Back to basics: case-based applied physiology - Ukraine Charity
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This webinar will be hosted by Dr. Geoff Culshaw and Dr. Yolanda Martinez, both Senior Lecturers in Cardiopulmonary Medicine at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland.
The topic of this case-based webinar will be on the understanding of the principals in order to make best choices for the diagnostics and management of cardiac disease in dogs and cats.
Language: English
Recording from 22 February 2023
This program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval.
Gastgeber dieses Webinars sind Dr. Geoff Culshaw und Dr. Yolanda Martinez, beide Senior Lecturer für Herz-Lungen-Medizin an der Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, Schottland.
Das Thema dieses fallbasierten Webinars ist das Verständnis der Prinzipien, um die besten Entscheidungen für die Diagnose und Behandlung von Herzerkrankungen bei Hunden und Katzen zu treffen.
Sprache: Englisch
Aufnahme vom 22.02.2023
The Ukraine Charity Event is organized by Boehringer Ingelheim and vet-webinar (amongst others) for the benefit of our colleagues in Ukraine. All participants are carrying out their work on a voluntary basis. The project runs from 1 December 2022 until 31 July 2023 and all proceeds during this period will be donated to USAVA. The webinars in this series are also subject to a fee for flat-rate customers. If you do not want to donate as a flat rate customer and you insist on free access, please contact
Dr Geoff Culshaw, DVM, RCVS (Cardiology)
Senior Lecturer in Cardiopulmonary Medicine at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Geoff graduated from Glasgow vet school in 1994. After 11 years in general practice, he joined the R(D)SVS where he is a senior lecturer and head of the cardiology service. He is an RCVS Diplomate in veterinary cardiology and an RCVS recognised specialist. He is an experienced clinician and cardiac interventionalist, but also teaches pre-clinical and clinical undergraduates.
In 2018, Geoff completed a PhD on endothelin-1 and renal salt handling at the Queen’s Medical Research Institute, where his post doctoral research focuses on renal sodium transport in diabetes, including the use of SGLT2 inhibitors (funded by Kidney Research UK and British Heart Foundation).
Geoff is a clinical research associate of the Roslin Institute and is investigating the effects of myxomatous mitral valve disease, ageing and systemic disease on vascular function and cardiovascular risk in dogs. He has published widely on clinical and bench research, and promotes the translation of human and experimental research into a veterinary clinical setting.
Dr Yolanda Martinez, DVM, RCVS (Cardiology), Dipl.ECVIM-CA
Senior Lecturer in Cardiopulmonary Medicine at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Yolanda graduated from Barcelona vet school in 1998. After 5 years in general practice, she moved to the UK where she completed a cardiology internship in private practice, followed by a residency at the R(D)SVS, Edinburgh. Yolanda worked as a clinician/teacher at the SATH, Liverpool, followed by peripatetic cardiorespiratory referrals in Scoltand with BVC Ltd. She returned to the R(D)VS in 2013, where she was head of service until 2021. Yolanda is an experienced clinician and cardiac interventionalist and has a strong interest in learning, teaching and assessment.
Yolanda started a part-time PhD in 2021 on assessment of competencies in final year veterinary students using the AAVMC outcome-based veterinary education framework and entrustable professional activities (EPAs).
Yolanda is a clinical research associate of the Roslin Institute and has published clinical research in novel diagnostic methods in cardiology, heart rate variability and comparative cardiovascular physiology.