Be one step ahead - the breathtaking future of cardiology - Ukraine Charity
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This webinar will be hosted by Dr. Baron Toaldo, Senior Lecturer at VetSuisse University Zürich, Switzerland and Dr. Claudio Bussadori from the Universities of Naples and Milan, Italy.
The two presentations span from general information about hypertrophic cardiac disease to high-end diagnostics with echocardiography with an emphasis on the interpretation of this novel imaging technique.
Language: English
Recording from 25 January 2023
This program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions that recognize RACE approval.
Dieses Webinar wird von Dr. Baron Toaldo, Senior Lecturer an der VetSuisse Universität Zürich, Schweiz und Dr. Claudio Bussadori von den Universitäten Neapel und Mailand, Italien, moderiert.
Die beiden Präsentationen reichen von allgemeinen Informationen über hypertrophe Herzerkrankungen bis hin zu High-End-Diagnostik mit Echokardiographie, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Interpretation dieses neuartigen Bildgebungsverfahrens liegt.
Sprache: Englisch
Aufnahme vom 25.01.2023
2 Stunden nach § 10(2) der ATF-Statuten als Pflichtfortbildung für ATF-Mitglieder.
ATF Stunden werden von der ÖTK als Bildungsstunden anerkannt.
Die Anerkennung nach den Richtlinien der Gesellschaft der Schweizer Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte ist möglich.

The Ukraine Charity Event is organized by Boehringer Ingelheim and vet-webinar (amongst others) for the benefit of our colleagues in Ukraine. All participants are carrying out their work on a voluntary basis. The project runs from 1 December 2022 until 31 July 2023 and all proceeds during this period will be donated to USAVA. The webinars in this series are also subject to a fee for flat-rate customers. If you do not want to donate as a flat rate customer and you insist on free access, please contact

Dr Marco Baron Toaldo, DVM, Dipl.ECVIM-CA
Dr. Baron Toaldo Marco graduated with honors in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Bologna in 2007. This was followed by conducting a PhD and postdoctoral fellowship in Ultrasonology in Human and Veterinary Medicine concluded in 2012. From 2012 to 2016, he held an Alternative Residency program in Small Animal Cardiology at the University of Zurich, and in March 2018 he was awarded a Diplomate degree from the European College of Internal Medicine, specialty cardiology (ECVIM-CA cardiology). He has worked as a researcher and associate professor of cardiology in the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences at the University of Bologna. He currently holds a full-time position at the Division of Veterinary Cardiology at the University of Zurich where he is involved in clinical and research activities, with special focus on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the use of high-field magnetic resonance imaging in cardiology. He has authored numerous publications concerning basic and applied research, focusing his attention in veterinary cardiology topics.

Dr Claudio Bussadori, MD, DVM, Dipl.ECVIM-CA
Claudio Bussadori is Director of the Gran Sasso Veterinary Clinic and Researcher at the paediatric cardiology department of S.Donato Hospital in S.Donato Milanese.
He graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2001, thus becoming a human physician in addition to veterinary surgeon. He is Director of the ECVIM (European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Cardiology) Residency program in his clinic and he also gives seminars lecture on congenital heart diseases at Faculty of Medicine, University of Milan.
He was Vice President of the ECVIM between 1993 and 1999, ESVC President from 1997 to 1999. He has been an Honorary Member of the ESVC Board since 2002. His main fields of interest are diagnosis, epidemiology and interventional treatment of congenital heart diseases in dogs; echocardiography and pathophysiology of congenital cardiac diseases in humans and application of new echocardiographic technologies (2D Strain and 3D echocardiography) in human and veterinary cardiology.