

Nursing the Heatstroke Patient

Duration: 1:57 h
Speaker: Karina Rowe
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

An outline and discussion into the effects of heatstroke on a patients liver, renal, neurological, respiratory, cardiovascular, MSK and GIT systems and the nursing requirements & considerations to support the patients throughout the disease process.

The Australian Veterinary Nurse and Technician (AVNAT) Regulatory Council has allocated (1) AVNAT CPD point to this continuing education activity. 

Recording from 23 February 2022

Karina Rowe

Karina Rowe, Cert IV RVN 

Vet Nurse of 15 years having worked in GP, rural referral, holistic, specialist, university and finally settling down in Emergency & Critical Care.
I have worked solely ECC for 9 years and love the team I work with and the variety and complexity of the cases we see.
At home in our beautiful pocket of Brisbane surrounded by bush and native wildlife we have a menagerie of 4 and two legged babies with my husband Anthony and our two daughters Isabella & Anika, two dogs Skip (the ever faithful and protecting Schipperke x Kelpie) and Bindi (the 1.8kg Chihuahua terrier X with a crooked leg), two guinea pigs Harry & Willy (both who are aiming to break world records at oldest piggies alive), one budgie Fritz (who opened the door to release her friend!) and one cheeky Guy Fawkes Heritage brumby named Alby who is patiently waiting for the right friend to come into his paddock!
We all enjoy living in outer Brisbane with it's access to the bush and beaches for walks, rides and family time and try to do all we can to enjoy and care for the land and it's native inhabitants. 

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