Endoparasites: From 101 to the clinical frontline
(incl. tax)
This webinar aims to rapidly get your scientific knowledge up to speed by refreshing your understanding of the key helminth and protozoal infections of cats and dogs that you come into regular contact with through patents presented at clinics. The focus will then shift to parasite management and control, considering available diagnostics and treatment options, together with best husbandry practices that can be utilised by the pet owner in consultation with the veterinarian. The significance of parasite infections for the individual pet as well as other cats and dogs within their community will be critiqued, as will the potential for human infection through known zoonoses.
Recording from 26.09.2017

Dr Maggie Fisher BVetMed CBiol FRSB MRQA DipEVPC MRCVS
Dr Maggie Fisher graduated in 1986 from the Royal Veterinary College and now runs three businesses (a Parasitology Consultancy, a CRO/Laboratory and a Veterinary Project Management Facility). Dr Fisher has been active in the establishment and advancement of a number of animal health associations including WAAVP, EVPC, AVC and ESCCAP.