Surgical options for Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome
(incl. tax)
As brachycephalic breeds continue to increase in popularity, the diagnosis and treatment of brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS) is ever important in improving the quality of life of these animals. This presentation will cover surgery for BAS including treatment of stenotic nares, redundant/elongated soft palate, laryngeal saccule eversion and laryngeal collapse. Perioperative and postoperative management will be covered in detail including a discussion on aesthetic protocols. More unusual components of BAS such as aberrant nasal turbinates will also be discussed as well as a brief discussion regarding the management of gastroesophageal reflux. Management of emergent cases in respiratory distress will be covered including detailed surgical description of temporary tracheostomy and handy tips and tricks. Following this webinar, you should feel much more confident with treating our flat-faced furry friends!
Recording from 14 April 2021

Dr Stephanie Colthurst - Surgery BVSc. (James Cook)
Stephanie is a small animal surgeon at Veterinary Specialist Services in Brisbane (Australia). She has worked in referral practice for 9 years. Following graduation from James Cook University in 2014, she completed a 12-month rotating internship at Veterinary Specialist Services followed by a second internship at Southpaws in Melbourne (Australia) in 2016 before enrolling into a surgical residency at Southpaws through the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS).
Stephanie successfully passed her memberships of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Small Animal Surgery in 2018 and has just successfully passed her ECVS board examinations in February 2023 on her first attempt.
Stephanie returned to Veterinary Specialist Services in 2021. Whilst she enjoys all aspects of surgery, her particular interests are in soft tissue and oncologic surgery. She is passionate about keeping up to date with advances in veterinary research, so that she can strive to provide the best possible care for each patient and their owner.