

Provide quality avian health care with confidence

Duration: 1:06 h
Speaker: Matthew Gosbell
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

This webinar will focus on protocols and procedures that will assist vets in offering a high quality service to their bird owning clients. It will provide resources for those who only see small numbers of birds to confidently advise their clients, as well as giving tools to those who are trying building a bird clientele. The webinar will focus on pet birds (primarily parrots), it will take you through an avian health exam, common tests and common conditions.

Language: English

In case you have missed this webinar, you have the opportunity to watch a recorded version here

Matthew Gosbell

Matthew Gosbell BVSc MANZCVS (Avian Health) AAV

Matthew graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1994. After graduation he worked in mixed dairy practice in Victoria before traveling to the UK. In 2003 he took on a Veterinary Director position at Springvale Animal Hospital in Victoria. In 2005 he started started casual teaching cage and aviary medicine and surgery at Melbourne University, he now lectures and runs severe practical classes for the University. He acquired membership to the Australian College of Veterinary Science in 2008. Since then he has regularly given lectures, workshops and webinars to qualified veterinarians and has authored and co-authored peer review papers.

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