Interpretation of Acid Base For Emergency Medicine
(incl. tax)
Acid-base analysis can be highly informative for identifying a patient's diagnosis as well as understanding dynamic pathophysiological changes in a patient. Correct identification of acid-base problems can also be life-saving. Understanding acid-base changes in a patient can seem challenging at first. This seminar will provide a basic overview of how to break down an acid-base problem into small parts, and will review the red flags that can lead you to the correct diagnosis. The seminar will be case-based and provide plenty of practice in interpreting a range of acid-base and blood gas abnormalities.
Recording from 19.12.2017
Lisa Smart BVSc (Hons) DipACVECC
Dr Smart completed a Bachelor of Veterinary Science at the University of Queensland in 2003 before undertaking a rotating internship at Queensland Veterinary Specialists and Pet ER. She then completed a 3 year residency program in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at the University of California, Davis, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, and achieved board certification with the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care in 2008. In 2009, Dr Smart moved to Perth and commenced her position as Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care at Murdoch where her role involves a combination of clinical service, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, and research. She is also actively involved in distance education and speaking engagements. Her main research interests include fluid therapy strategies, coagulation and systemic inflammation.