

Caesarean Section - tips for success

Duration: 1:01 h
Speaker: Paul Aldridge
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

Caesarean sections are one of the most common emergency surgeries performed, and it can be a stressful time for owner, clinical team and patient! This presentation will look at how we can maximize the outcome of the procedure for both mum and offspring. Dystocia can occur for a number of reasons, so appreciating what's normal in pregnancy and labour in the bitch, will help us to spot the cases where we need to intervene either medically or surgically. A brief over-view of normal parturition will be followed by a closer look at how we can focus on patient preparation, anaesthesia, surgical technique and neonate care to improve our chances of a successful result in these rewarding cases.

Recording from 24.05.2018

Paul Aldridge

Paul Aldridge BVSc Cert SAS MRCVS, RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery

Paul graduated from Liverpool University, and after a short time in mixed practice, moved to a small animal hospital in Manchester. He has worked in Manchester since then, and is currently a referral clinician at Vets Now Referrals where he sees both soft tissue and orthopaedic cases.
Paul is widely involved in providing CPD to vets and nurses, both in the UK and internationally, and is co-author of the textbook ‘Practical Emergency and Critical Care Nursing’. Pauls clinical interests include trauma patients and emergency surgery.

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