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Anesthesia in the old patient - intra and perioperative monitoring for Nurses

Duration: 0:51 h
Speaker: Elena Russold
from 1 US$ 49.40
(incl. tax)

Animals grow older, and are often in need of surgical procedures - from dentals to neoplasia, from broken limbs to GDVs. Very often, with old age also come diseases like chronic renal failure or cardiopathy for example. All those need to be taken into consideration, when anaesthetising the old patient. Special monitoring, testing prior to anaesthesia and thereafter will enhance the chance of success. Additional measures, such as special handling, pain treatment, feeding regime or organisation of the circumstances (when do we start the surgery, who will be there, which day of the week) support the old dog and cat further. After surgery and for the process of recovery owner compliance is essential and how and what to tell the owners will be discussed as well. 
Old age is no disease and definitely no reason, NOT to perform anaesthesia well. 

The Australian Veterinary Nurse and Technician (AVNAT) Regulatory Council has allocated (1) AVNAT CPD point to this continuing education activity. 

Recording from 23 August 2022


Elena Russold Elena Russold CertVA CVPP

Residency im Fachbereich Anästhesie

Leiterin der Intensivstation der Kleintierklinik der Vetmeduni Vienna

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