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New to vet-webinar.comThe name "webinar" is made of the words "web" and "seminar". A webinar is a seminar which is held online on the internet. It is a live and interactive event.
You can participate in our Webinars from your place of residence, in the comfort of your own home. You save time and money, because there is no travelling involved.
Furthermore, you can use this medium to take part in lectures of renowned specialists from abroad, who would otherwise not be travelling to your hometown!
You will find a list of all dates under Webinars. You can then view the programme in detail and register by filling out and sending an online form. Payment of the registration fee is effected by credit card directly. Your registration is only transmitted upon payment.
You will receive a link for registration from us 30 minutes prior to the start of the webinar. This link can also be found in "My account" > "My webinars".
Please re-enter your given name and surname as well as your e-mail address and click "Register Now".
Afterward you will be presented with the link to the actual Webinar. You will receive this link per e-mail as well. This link is your individual link and must not be shared with anyone, as no two people can log in with the same link and you would risk your own exclusion from the Webinar!
The link becomes active beginning half an hour before the Webinar, but the Webinar does not start until the scheduled time.
During the actual Webinar, you see the Powerpoint presentation of the chosen topic and simultaneously hear your instructor live.
You can "raise your hand" (virtually) or pose questions to the host, who will then filter the questions (so that no question is posed more than once) and will then direct the questions to the instructor.
It would be technically feasible but we purposely decided not to transmit live pictures of the lecturer per webcam to ensure that even participants with slower internet broadband connections can enjoy the Webinars at no loss of quality!
No, your webcam and microphone are turned off toward the host!
Please check the system requirements at Logmein, GotoWebinar:
Yes, you can view on your smartphone or tablet also. Go to <link https: www.gotomeeting.com en-au webinar>www.gotomeeting.com/en-au/webinar in your browser. Select “Join a Webinar”, enter the Webinar ID (9 digit ID), enter your email address and select “Join”.