Webinar Paket - Toxikologie
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In diesem Webinar Bundle haben wir vier Toxikologie Webinare von Hendrik Lehmann, Dipl. ACVECC zusammengefasst und als Bonus gibt es das englische Webinar "Toxicology – Treatment and management of paracetamol and recreational drugs" gratis dazu.
Die Serie fängt mit der allgemeinen Toxikologie an und beschäftigt sich weiter mit den häufigsten Giftstoffen in der Umwelt, Vergiftungen durch Medikamente und Drogen sowie giftigen Nahrungsmittel.
Sie bekommen somit 5 Webinare im Paket zum Preis von nur 4.

Hendrik Lehmann, Dipl. ACVECC
- Seit 2019: Oberarzt Intensivstation Klinik für Kleintiere der JLUGießen
- Juli &November 2018: Externship Emergency and Critical Care Service Vetsuisse Bern, CH
- November 2017: Externship Emergency and Critical Care Service Cornell, USA
- Oktober 2017: Teilnahme am ersten Cardiopulmonary Bootcamp Cornell University, NY, USA
- 2016-2018: Resident American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care unter der Leitung von Frau Dr. med vet E. Haßdenteufel DACVECC, DECVECC
- 2014 - 2015: Rotating Internship an der Kleintierklinik der Vetmeduni Vienna, AT
- 2007 - 2014: Diplomstudium Vetmeduni Wien

Dr. Corrin Boyd, BSc BVMS(Hons) GradDipEd MVetClinStud MANZCVS, DACVECC
Dr Boyd is a criticalist employed as Senior Lecturer in Emergency and Critical Care at The Animal Hospital at Murdoch University. He is also a PhD candidate at Murdoch University, researching the adverse effects of fluid therapy products, with a focus on synthetic colloids. He graduated from Murdoch University in 2009. He remained at Murdoch working as a staff veterinarian in the Emergency and Critical Care service, before completing an internship (2013) and residency (2014-2017) in Emergency and Critical Care. He achieved ACVECC diplomate status in 2017. He also was awarded a Graduate Diploma of Education and Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies during this training. His main research interests include shock and fluid resuscitation, especially synthetic colloids, and their adverse effects on coagulation and kidney function. Other interests include congenital coagulopathies, kidney injury biomarkers, extracorporeal therapies, anaphylaxis, enteropathogens, patient anxiety and sleep patterns in the ICU, use of technology in ECC and ethics in ECC.