
  • Webinare
  • I'm trying to tell you something - Feline Communication with Urine and Faeces

I'm trying to tell you something - Feline Communication with Urine and Faeces

Dauer: 1:00 h
Referent: Jacqui Ley
ab 1 US$ 49,40
(inkl. USt.)

Urine and faeces outside the litter box are unpleasant and a source of conflict for owners and cats. But cats communicate with urine and faeces. The messages can be difficult to decipher. Looking at what the cat leaves where can help. This webinar will discuss what cats are trying to communicate and how to translate the message. Management and treatment strategies that owners can implement will also be presented and, just a little hint- spraying and house soiling are not always comments on litter tray management.

Recorded 23 October 2024

This webinar is sponsored by Stress Free Pets 



Jacqui Ley

Jacqui Ley BVSc (Hons) FANZCVS (Animal Behaviour) CMAVA PhD

Jacqui Ley is a registered specialist in Behavioural Medicine. She graduated from Melbourne University Veterinary School in 1995. A long time interest in animals, animal behaviour and training led her to undertake a Membership to the ACVSc in Veterinary Behaviour in 2000. Looking to understand more about behaviour, she left small animal practice for the world of research and investigated tests for measuring fear in dogs. Jacqui has completed a PhD at Monash University developing a model and questionnaire for describing canine personality.

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