Webinar Live

  • Top Tips for your Ophthalmic Examination

    Are you 100% confident with your ophthalmic examination? Are you getting the most from your ophthalmoscope? If the answers are not ‘yes100%’ then you need to listen to this Webinar.
    Dauer: 0:45 h
    Referent: Sally Turner
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Avoid the “Peak and Shriek” - Getting the most out of your exploratory laparotomies.

    In this lecture, Charles will be presenting a systematic approach to the abdominal exploration in dogs and cats, concentrating on indications, what to look for when you’re in the abdomen and what to do when you find abnormalities. He will also discuss biopsy techniques and some tricks for intestinal resection and anastomosis.
    Dauer: 0:41 h
    Referent: Charles Kuntz
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • CSF evaluation - Cytology and Infectious Disease Diagnostics

    ​Evaluation of CSF is an important diagnostic tool for assessment of patients displaying neurological abnormalities. Basic cytological evaluation of CSF includes determination of the total and differential leukocyte counts and protein concentration. In addition, other cytological abnormalities including atypical or neoplastic cells, infectious agents or evidence of haemorrhage may be identified. Pre-analytic variables, clinical signs and species variations must be taken into consideration when interpreting cytological findings. Characterising the type of inflammatory response can help to clarify the underlying pathological processes. Identification of infectious agents can be achieved using a number of methodologies and is a vital component of accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological disease.
    Dauer: 0:47 h
    Referent: Leanne Twomey
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Updates in Perioperative Fluid Therapy

    Provision of fluid therapy is an important aspect of patient support during anaesthesia. In recent years there have been various guidelines published regarding perioperative fluids in veterinary medicine. However, there are many factors to consider when creating an individualised fluid plan for small animals undergoing anaesthesia. This webinar will guide you through a logical approach to incorporating new information on this topic into your everyday clinical practice. The webinar will cover: indications for the provision of perioperative fluids, choice of fluid type and rate of administration for a range of patients, monitoring changes to fluid requirements during anaesthesia, and potential adverse effects of inappropriate fluid therapy.
    Dauer: 0:55 h
    Referent: Jennifer Davis
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Emergency Medicine in Rabbits

    Emergency and critical care of rabbits is a new concept and an exciting challenge. At presentation, prey species like rabbits may disguise obvious clinical signs making triage more complicated. However most emergency and critical care techniques used in other companion animals can be applied, and familiarity with common rabbit presentations can improve the management of these pets. Ileus, dyspnoea and seizure are examples of possible conditions that, with the right approach, can be treated successfully. Anorexia is also a very common emergency that should be treated within 24-48 hours from presentation. However, anorexia is a clinical sign and not a disease, and the cause should be thoroughly investigated and treated. This webinar will describe the emergency equipment advised for the rabbit patient and some of the most common emergency presentations and their treatments.
    Dauer: 1:02 h
    Referent: Livia Benato
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Regenerative Medizin: Basics und Trends

    Die regenerative Medizin birgt großes Potential, unterliegt aber noch ständigen dynamischen Entwicklungen. Das Webinar hilft die verschiedenen aktuell verfügbaren Therapeutika zu verstehen und zeigt neuere Entwicklungen auf.
    Dauer: 0:57 h
    Referent: Janina Burk
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Diuretika: Furosemid - ist das alles?

    Der Vortrag mit kardiologischem Schwerpunkt geht auf die unterschiedlichen Indikationen der gängigen veterinärmedizinisch eingesetzten Diuretika ein, beschreibt pathophysiologische Mechanismen und gibt klare Empfehlungen für den klinischen Alltag.
    Dauer: 1:04 h
    Referent: Natalie Bertl
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Tips for Creating a Cat Friendly Environment in the Veterinary Emergency Room and Critical Care Setting

    We as veterinarians are becoming more and more aware of the impact that a veterinary visit can have on the mental and emotional health of our patients. Cats seem to be particularly affected by leaving their known environments and entering into a new environment that can hold a multitude of unknown and unpleasant stressors. Imagine how heightened the perception of these stressors may be in an emergency or critical care setting. In this webinar, we will look at why it is so important to manage feline stress in the above mentioned settings and discuss easy to implement and practical strategies for the hospital, emergency room and critical care environment in order to improve recovery and outcome as well as create a safer and more pleasurable workplace for the veterinary team.
    Dauer: 0:56 h
    Referent: Katrin Jahn
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Emerging diseases auf dem Vormarsch – Diagnostisch Schritt halten

    Emerging diseases gewinnen durch den Import von Tieren aus dem Ausland, zunehmendem Reiseverkehr sowie durch die Veränderung klimatischer Bedingungen an Bedeutung. Schritt für Schritt wird die herausfordernde Diagnostik verschiedener Erreger bei Hund und Katze aufgearbeitet.
    Dauer: 0:44 h
    Referent: Ingo Schäfer
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Comment dormir sur ses deux oreilles lorsque le Propofol manque

    Ces dernières semaines, la pandémie de Covid 19 a révélé que l’anésthesie vétérinaire nécessite elle aussi une certaine flexibilité. En effet, les médicaments nécessaires à la médecine des petits animaux sont dans certains cas plus touchés par les difficultés de livraison que ne le sont ceux destinés à la médecine humaine. Ce webinaire abordera en ce sens les alternatives à l'anesthésie générale. En plus des informations sur la gestion d‘une anesthésie sécurisée, les différents médicaments qui y sont liés, ainsi que leurs avantages et inconvénients dans l'utilisation quotidienne seront discutés.
    Dauer: 1:08 h
    Referent: Isabelle Iff.
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Akutes Abdomen – wer gewinnt?

    Definition, Stabilisierung, Aufarbeitung, Diagnostik und Fallbeispiele
    Dauer: 0:54 h
    Referent: Marlis Wiebogen-Wessely
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Nursing the Vestibular Patient

    Can you imagine waking up one day feeling like the world is unexpectedly spinning out of control and suddenly you can’t stand up straight let alone walk a few steps? You feel nauseous, unbalanced and scared. This is how our vestibular disease patients find...
    Dauer: 0:38 h
    Referent: Skye Carr
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Advanced Mechanical Ventilation

    This webinar will try and cover the current employed strategies and predictors for an optimised outcome of the mechanically ventilated patients based on the current evidence from human and veterinary medicine.
    Dauer: 1:06 h
    Referent: Manuela Pascal
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Falldiskussionen – innere Medizin

    Bei diesem Webinar soll der Schwerpunkt auf Fälle der Internistik gelegt werden – geplant ist ein Potpourri mit mehr Zeit zum Mitdenken und Mitdiskutieren.
    Dauer: 0:57 h
    Referent: Nicole Luckschander-Zeller
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • We are all ears! Management strategies for otitis externa

    Otitis externa is a commonly encountered condition in general practice  and referral practice. Identifying the predisposing, primary and perpetuating factors associated with otitis externa is a key component in gaining control of this condition long term. This webinar will cover the...  
    Dauer: 0:47 h
    Referent: Danielle Hoolahan
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Let’s talk cat and dog behaviour at 2nd vac

    The dreaded end of consult question…. “Can I just ask you quickly? Why does my cat spray urine in my kitchen”? Or “How can I stop my dog chewing the sofa when I go out?” These questions, although common place, can often be difficult to answer. But what if we worked towards the owner never having to ask them in the first place? Fence at the top of the cliff or an ambulance at the bottom? We can help to prevent common problems from developing by recognising that we are well placed to educate owners during the second vaccination appointment on how to foster emotional resilience in their dog or cat. In other words, if they put the work in at the beginning, then the chance of a behavioural problem developing reduces. Let’s talk about more than worming, nutrition and neutering! This webinar aims to look at: •    Understanding what motivates cats and dogs and how we reinforce their behaviour – good and bad •    Advising owners on how good intentions early on will lead to good welfare outcomes in a variety of common behavioural challenges •    Recognising the communication and body language that often precedes a dog bite – it’s not about dominance!
    Dauer: 1:00 h
    Referent: Hayley Walters
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Modern Euthanasia: The good death revolution (for Nurses)

    Euthanasia is going through an evolution.  It is changing for the better; techniques, protocols, pricing, and attitudes. Patients deserve the best, clients demand the best, and our veterinary teams want to deliver it.  We will explore new trends in hospital euthanasia experiences, reinforce those oldie but goodie protocols, and even dive into the new concept of dysthanasia. Led by Dr. Kathleen Cooney, founder and director of education for the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy, this webinar will become the spark to modernize your euthanasia appointments.
    Dauer: 0:49 h
    Referent: Kathleen Cooney
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • The Hyperthyroid Cat

    Originally recognised approximately 40 years ago, hyperthyroidism is the most common feline endocrinopathy. How has our understanding of this common disease of cats and it’s management changed since then? This webinar will revisit the diagnostic approach, management options, complications and currently recommended monitoring for these patients. Which medical treatment option is best and why? How often does iatrogenic hypothyroidism occur and how can we diagnose and treat this in cats? What are the renal implications of thyroid disease in cats and how can we best assess and monitor this in these patients? Update and refresh your knowledge of this common feline disease.
    Dauer: 0:59 h
    Referent: Lara Boland
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • UpCard - Torasemid

    Im Fokus des Vortrages steht die Dosierung von Torasemid (Hund) im klinischen Alltag: Wie steige ich mit Torasemid bei einem erstkongestiven Hund ein? Wie finde ich eine adäquate Dosierung bei einem mit Furosemid vorbehandelten Hund? Welche Unterschiede und Besonderheiten gibt es auf Molekülebene - was macht Torasemid zum besseren Schleifendiuretikum?
    Dauer: 0:22 h
    Referent: Wolf-Rüdiger Pankow
    ab 1 Gratis
  • Magendrehung

    Dieses Webinar soll dabei helfen Magendrehungen korrekt zu diagnostizieren, zu stabilisieren, chirurgisch zu versorgen sowie für mögliche Komplikationen gewappnet zu sein. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, neue Op-Methoden sowie Tipps und Tricks werden in... 
    Dauer: 1:02 h
    Referent: Marlis Wiebogen-Wessely
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Surgery of the Urinary System - When how and why to use cystotomy tubes

    In this webinar we will be discussing how to manage cases that require urinary diversion. This may be a blocked cat, urethral trauma, neurological disease, or palliative care for trigonal neoplasia. Understanding how to best manage these patients in the short and long term is essential to the overall success of treatment. Although urethral catheterisation is relatively simple, it can be challenging in some cases and it never allows us to assess the patient’s ability to urinate when it is still in place. In contrast, a cystotomy tube is predictable to place and allows long term management, including being able to assess voluntary urination without removal. We will discuss when, how and why to use cystotomy tubes so that this technique can be applied in a wide range of scenarios in general practice.
    Dauer: 0:49 h
    Referent: Kat Crosse
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • The behavioural effects in pets with owners being asked to socially distance

    “The pandemic has changed things for everyone. It has made everyone think about how we interact with pets, not only now but also in the new normal, whatever that may be. Veterinarians and veterinary staff deal with pets daily and recognise the signs of fear, anxiety and stress but when do these signs mean that that things are serious and what advice should you give? How can you make things better for everyone?”
    Dauer: 0:54 h
    Referent: Kersti Seksel
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Equine Herpes Virusinfektionen – Ein Einblick in das griechische Alphabet

    Epidemiologie, Pathogenese, klinische Erkrankungen, Diagnose, Therapie und Prävention von Alpha und Gammaherpesvirus Infektionen beim Pferd werden besprochen.
    Dauer: 0:55 h
    Referent: Angelika Schoster
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Herausforderung angenommen - Monitoring eines Diabetikers maßgeschneidert an Ihren Patienten!

    Monitoringoptionen (klinische Symptomatik, Fruktosamine, Blutzuckertagesprofile, kontinuierliches Glukosemonitoring) – Anwendung, Vorteile und Nachteile Häufigkeit der Kontrolluntersuchungen Anpassung der Insulintherapie
    Dauer: 0:50 h
    Referent: Katarina Hazuchova
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Workplace Wellbeing and Managing Shift-Work

    Numerous research has shown shift workers are prone to various chronic health complaints including gastrointestinal complaints, obesity, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders, depleted immune systems – to name a few.  This stems largely from ongoing sleep deprivation and disruption to the sleep/wake cycle, along with subsequent misalignment of biological circadian rhythms which often induces fatigue, leading to poor dietary and lifestyle habits. In this webinar, Audra Starkey will explore: -    Why sleep prioritization is critical for anyone working 24/7 -    Strategies to support the parasympathetic nervous system to encourage better sleep -    The influence of chrononutrition in the management of shift work wellness -    Shift work nutrition – eating to support more energy, better digestive health and weight regulation
    Dauer: 0:59 h
    Referent: Audra Starkey
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Resilience and Wellbeing Practices for Veterinary Nurses

    The experience of stress is a personal one, and no two people will experience situations the same way. An event at work that could be considered a major stressful event for one nurse, may be seen by others as energising and challenging.  This webinar will explore evidence-based practices for developing resilience, and subsequently, greater wellbeing as a veterinary nurse. Topics include: •    Developing emotional insight, and self-awareness skills •    Personal resilience-building and wellbeing practices •    Practical strategies for handling difficult situations at work 
    Dauer: 0:59 h
    Referent: Rosie Overfield
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Advanced diagnostics in canine and feline lymphoma.

    So you have a diagnosis of lymphoma in your small animal patient. What next?  Classification of lymphoma is increasingly important for both prognostic and therapeutic decision making. This webinar will discuss diagnostic options to optimise the diagnostic process in your patient.  Modalities discussed will include immunocytochemistry, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and PARR. 
    Dauer: 0:50 h
    Referent: Sue Jaensch
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Pre-anaesthetic assessment of the small animal patient

    Anaesthesia is a vital tool in small animal practice to facilitate diagnostic, corrective and curative procedures. Principles of appropriate drug choices and techniques are paramount to reduce peri-anaesthetic complications. But how do we come to make these choices? Pre-anaesthetic assessment of the individual patient in respect to signalment, disease status and procedure is invaluable in making these decisions. Pertinent history, and thorough physical examinations are the cornerstone to guide further relevant testing. Risk assessments and the factors that influence these risks, need to be identified and remedied where possible, prior to anaesthesia. Diagnostic testing with respect to blood work, electrocardiograms, and imaging are point of care tools which can add significant information to assist in our quest for the most appropriate peri-anaesthetic plan.
    Dauer: 0:57 h
    Referent: Louise Bass
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Feline Nutrition, A Clinicians Perspective

    What should we feed cats? Raw meaty bones vs commercial “complete and balanced” diets? Commercial cat food has resulted in decreased in hypervitaminosis A, thiamine deficiency and secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism. But should this be used as evidence that alternative diets based on ancestral diets should not be used when none of these cited conditions would occur with an ancestral diet?  In addition, it is easy to assess improvement in known straightforward dietary-related conditions but far more difficult to detect increased or decreased incidence of medical diseases where the contribution of diet is more subtle. Any improvement in medical diseases due to commercial diets needs to be balanced against the emergence of potential adverse conditions but this data is rarely present. We hear from nutritionists but not clinicians. This unique lecture is given from a feline medicine specialist’s perspective.
    Dauer: 1:05 h
    Referent: Sue Foster
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Neurologie – wie das Labor bei Schmerzen hilft

    Neurologie besteht nicht immer nur aus aufwendiger Bildgebung. Am wichtigsten ist vor allem die klinische Untersuchung, aber auch gezielte Laboruntersuchungen können weiterhelfen, um den Ursachen für schmerzhafte Erkrankungen auf die Spur zu kommen.
    Dauer: 0:54 h
    Referent: Jasmin Neßler
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Tetanus – treatment for the board stiff

    Tetanus is an uncommon condition in dogs (and an under- recognised one in cats) that poses an almost unique set of therapeutic challenges. Wound contamination with the eponymous Clostridia bacteria results in neurotoxicity causing spastic muscular paralysis, and can be frequently fatal in companion animals. Most of these patients require lots of nursing care, physiotherapy and interventional nutrition, as well as medical and surgical treatment for the causative infection. This webinar will help you through some of the challenges in diagnosis and definitive treatment, as well as providing guidelines for the successful supportive care of these difficult patients. Tetanus can be a very curable disease, with the right support at the right time, and is often manageable in practice.
    Dauer: 1:14 h
    Referent: Daniel Lewis
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Infektionen beim Kleintier – wann wird’s für wen gefährlich?

    Dieses Webinar enthält vier Fallpräsentationen zum Thema Infektionen beim Kleintier. 
    Dauer: 0:53 h
    Referent: Michael Leschnik
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • PPID-Diagnostik – immer im Wandel?

    Die Pars intermedia Dysfunktion der Hypophyse (PPID), auch als Equines Cushing Syndrom (ECS) bekannt, ist die wichtigste und häufigste Endokrinopathie bei Ponys und Großpferden ab einem Alter von ca. 12 Jahren. In unserem Webinar werden wir über die neuesten...
    Dauer: 0:42 h
    Referent: Anastasios Moschos
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Central Venous Pressure in the Veterinary Patient

    Central venous pressure (or CVP) monitoring has been used in veterinary medicine as a tool for monitoring cardiac function and managing fluid therapy. In critical patients and complex anaesthetics, the technique expands the availability of information we have for patient management and helps provide a more complete picture of how the cardiovascular system is operating in conjunction with other monitoring techniques. As veterinary nurses/technicians, is it important to understand when, how and why to use central lines for critical patients and the importance of central line care and maintenance post-operatively. This webinar will discuss the use of CVP monitoring in small animal practice with an overview of placement and management of central lines, techniques for monitoring CVP, interpretation of CVP and its limitations. We will also cover some of the controversies with its use in human medicine and briefly touch on other uses for central lines in our critical patients. Being comfortable with CVP monitoring will provide benefits in monitoring those complicated anaesthetics in critical patients and confidence in helping to make correct management decisions for better patient outcomes.
    Dauer: 0:36 h
    Referent: Cheryl MacPherson
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Diätetisches Management von Tumorpatienten

    Diätetisches Management von Tumorpatienten – welchen Beitrag kann die Ernährung leisten?
    Dauer: 0:18 h
    Referent: Claudia Koch
    ab 1 Gratis
  • Grundlagen der onkologischen Chirurgie

    Das Fachgebiet der Tumorchirurgie nimmt in der täglichen Praxis einen sehr hohen Stellenwert ein. In diesem Webinar sollen nicht nur chirurgische Grundkenntnisse vermittelt werden, sondern auch die genaue und korrekte Aufarbeitung des onko-chirurgischen... 
    Dauer: 0:58 h
    Referent: Marlis Wiebogen-Wessely
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Lumbosacral Stenosis

    This vet-webinar reviews the aetiology, diagnosis and management of degenerative lumbosacral stenosis. Lumbosacral stenosis occurs when soft tissue and/or bony changes impinge on the nerve roots or vasculature of the cauda equina. The impingement can be worsened in conjunction with abnormal motion of the lumbosacral joint. Lumbosacral stenosis occurs most frequently in middle-aged dogs of medium to large breed, and  German Shepherd dogs are predisposed to this disease. Common signs are lumbosacral pain, lameness, pelvic limb weakness and ataxia, and urinary incontinence. Diagnosis is based on clinical features and imaging studies. Depending on the severity of the compression but about 50% of dogs respond well to conservative treatments. Decompressive surgery is effective in most patients.
    Dauer: 0:55 h
    Referent: Dorothee Krainer
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Say what?! Common mistakes German speakers make - from a veterinary medical perspective

    We will cover common mistakes typically made by German speakers and how to correct them. We will relate how these common mistakes affect communication with colleagues and animal owners and impact upon being properly understood.
    Dauer: 0:41 h
    Referent: Cindy L. Willheim
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Poor Performance – Wie komme ich den Ursachen auf die Spur?

    Leistungsschwäche ist eine häufige Problematik beim Pferd, die vielfältige Ursachen haben und von Störungen in den verschiedenen Organsystemen ausgehen kann. Damit stellt sie eine Herausforderung für die/den Tierärztin/arzt dar. Eine strukturierte Untersuchung und...
    Dauer: 0:45 h
    Referent: Jessika-M. Cavalleri
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Der Pferdetierarzt zwischen Therapie und Doping - pharmakologische und analytische Aspekte

    Im Vortrag werden verschiedene Einflussgrößen auf die Nachweisdauer von Arzneimitteln diskutiert, um dem Tierarzt Hilfestellung bei der Therapie von Sportpferden zu geben.
    Dauer: 0:48 h
    Referent: Ina Schenk
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Hufbeschlag bei Gelenkserkrankungen der distalen Gliedmaße

    In diesem Webinar werden Ihnen, neben einigen Hufbeschlagsgrundlagen, die Vor- und Nachteile orthopädischer Hufbeschläge und ihre Auswirkung auf Gelenkserkrankungen der distalen Gliedmaße näher gebracht.
    Dauer: 0:46 h
    Referent: Charlotte von Zadow
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Stressfrakturen bei Pferden und Knackpunkt Hals

    In den letzten Jahren konnten viele neue Erkenntnisse über die Stressfissuren bei den Pferden gewonnen werden; dank den großen Fortschritten der bildgebenden Techniken, im Besonderen der Computer- und Magnetresonanztomographie, konnte diese besondere...
    Dauer: 1:27 h
    Referent: Anton Fürst, Stefanie Petzoldt
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Feline Pain Management

    Recognising and treating pain can be challenging and particularly so in our feline patients. In this webinar we will look at the importance of recognising and measuring pain and explore the tools available to assess acute pain in cats such as the recently developed grimace scale. We will also review analgesic options and techniques available to treat perioperative pain in our feline patients. 
    Dauer: 0:47 h
    Referent: Eleanor Holden
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Oxygen Therapy

    There are many conditions where a patient may require supplemented oxygen, for example, dyspnoea, shock, sepsis, SIRs and head trauma. This webinar will address the difference between hypoxaemia and hypoxia, as well as the methods of oxygen delivery available to each patients needs and the fraction of inspired oxygen each provides. Humidification of oxygen, oxygen toxicity and other complications of oxygen therapy will be reviewed. Finally there will be a comprehensive look at how to monitor successful oxygen therapy and the techniques/ equations used to assess the oxygenation and ventilation of the patient.
    Dauer: 0:40 h
    Referent: Chloe Fay
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Der Kreuzbandriss des Hundes – Wichtiges für den Praktiker und ein Exkurs in die Rotation

    Der Kreuzbandriss des Hundes ist meist die Folge seines Körperbaues und seiner Fortbewegung. Die daraus abgeleiteten Schlussfolgerungen zur Pathogenese, zur Therapieplanung sowie die Rolle der natürlichen Rotation des Knies hinsichtlich Therapie und Meniskusschaden werden besprochen.
    Dauer: 1:02 h
    Referent: Irene Bruckner, Daniel A. Koch
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Nursing the Hepatic Lipidosis Patient

    Hepatic lipidosis is a common cause of acquired liver disease in cats. It is a multifactorial syndrome and factors such as anorexia, stress and concurrent disease are associated with the development of the condition. The veterinary nurse is heavily involved in managing the hepatic lipidosis patient, from assistance with diagnostic imaging and investigations, to administering prescribed treatment, implementing a nutritional plan and day-to-day monitoring and nursing care. This webinar will discuss the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of hepatic lipidosis, as well as the vital role of the veterinary nurse in caring for these patients.
    Dauer: 1:00 h
    Referent: Laura Rosewell
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Tierarztpraxis 5.0 – die digitale Transformation, TEIL 1

    Quo vadis Tierarztpraxis? Muss ich online und digital sein oder werden, um morgen noch eine Praxis zu führen? Wie verändern digitale Werkzeuge und Dienstleistungen die tierärztliche Welt der (nahen) Zukunft?
    Dauer: 1:16 h
    Referent: Björn Becker
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)
  • Tierarztpraxis 5.0 – die digitale Transformation, TEIL 2

    Kunden finden und Kunden binden – wie schaffe ich es, mit meinen Kunden marktgerecht zu kommunizieren? Welche Möglichkeiten bieten mir die «neuen Medien»? Welche Chancen eröffnen sich mir und meiner Praxis in der digitalen Welt?
    Dauer: 0:54 h
    Referent: Björn Becker
    ab 1 US$ 49,40
    (inkl. USt.)