The new puppy at your clinic - building a solid foundation
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Many would agree that puppy vaccinations are a fun part of our job as veterinarians. However, as with any patient, we have a responsibility to their health and welfare, both in the short and long term. Good veterinary advice given early in an animal's development can prevent or reduce the risk of significant health and quality of life issues. Also, when potential problems are noticed with a puppy's behaviour, the veterinarian has the opportunity to get those animals the help they need in a timely manner. The puppy's first veterinary visit gives you, as the veterinarian, the opportunity to create a first veterinary experience that sets the stage for the puppy's happy and healthy relationship with the clinic and with you. Veterinarians seeing a pup for the first time play an influential role in the puppy developing into a healthy adult dog.
This webinar is sponsored by Stress Free Pets
Recording from 3 February 2022

Dr Sally Nixon,BVSc MANZCVS (Veterinary Behaviour)
Dr Sally Nixon graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science from the University of Melbourne in 2000 and developed an interest in behavioural medicine in 2009. She became a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) Veterinary Behaviour Chapter by examination in 2013 and she is currently president of the chapter. Sally started her Residency in veterinary behavioural medicine with both the ANZCVS and the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists in early 2019 under the mentorship of Dr Kersti Seksel and Dr Jacqui Ley.
As well as owning her own rural-based business consulting in veterinary behavioural medicine, Sally is a co-tutor for the CVE Veterinary Behavioural Medicine course, she teaches Small Animal Behaviour to veterinary nurses and she is a consultant with the behaviour folder for the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). She has been a committee member of the Australian Veterinary Association’s Behaviour Interest Group (AVBIG) committee since 2014 and currently represents AVBIG on the Policy Advisory Council of the Australian Veterinary Association.