How to Manage Orthopaedic Emergencies
(inkl. USt.)
In this presentation, Sandra will discuss the practical management of orthopaedic conditions that can be considered 'emergencies' - those in which the prognosis becomes much worse without rapid diagnosis and treatment. These include fractures that are open, associated with potential nerve injury or the growth plates of young animals, along with shearing injuries and septic joints. The principles of good wound management and the use of negative pressure therapy will be explored, along with decision-making around the optimal time for interventions, surgical or otherwise.
Recording from 11 April 2024

Sandra Corr, BVMS, CertSAS, DipECVS, FHEA, PhD, MRCVS
Sandra Corr is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Head of the Surgery team in the University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital. She is a clinician-researcher, spending 50% of her time seeing surgical cases, specialising in musculoskeletal trauma and joint disease. As well as publishing widely in the surgical field, she has contributed to several papers and book chapters on companion animal ethics.