Equine upper respiratory tract surgery – a revision of where we are and what is new
(inkl. USt.)
This webinar will review an array of URT abnormalities in horses highlighting differences which can dramatically impact case treatment options and prognosis. New developments in treatment options focused on the URT will be presented and discussed. There have recently been some significant exciting additions to the field of equine URT surgery. These include standing laryngoplasty procedures that have been a massive change in laryngoplasty technique. Also, extremely exciting new treatment options for coughing horses post laryngoplasty of artyenoidectomy. Finally, standing arytenoidectomy surgery offers a third useful addition to the URT surgery tool box. A variety of images and videos of pre-operative diagnosis highlighting pre-operative considerations and further images / videos of surgical procedures will lead into several focused-on results that can be expected / achieved. Join Ben for an interesting ride through the URT of horses and how you can maximise treatment outcomes.
This webinar will review an array of URT abnormalities in horses highlighting differences which can dramatically impact case treatment options and prognosis. New developments in treatment options focused on the URT will be presented and discussed. There have recently been some significant exciting additions to the field of equine URT surgery. These include standing laryngoplasty procedures that have been a massive change in laryngoplasty technique. Also, extremely exciting new treatment options for coughing horses post laryngoplasty of artyenoidectomy. Finally, standing arytenoidectomy surgery offers a third useful addition to the URT surgery tool box. A variety of images and videos of pre-operative diagnosis highlighting pre-operative considerations and further images / videos of surgical procedures will lead into several focused-on results that can be expected / achieved. Join Ben for an interesting ride through the URT of horses and how you can maximise treatment outcomes.
This webinar is sponsored by ASAP Laboratory.
Recording from 1 August 2019
Ben Ahern BVSc (Hons I) PhD MACVSc Dipl. ACVS Dip. ACVSMR
Ben is a specialist in equine surgery and is board certified by the American College of Equine Surgeons (www.acvs.org) and the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (www.vsmr.org) he is one of only a handful of veterinarians in Australia with these dual qualifications. He has authored multiple book chapters and has published on a wide range of topics ranging from orthopaedics and lameness, to novel tie-back procedures and stem cell therapies.